An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. At Corless Barfield Trial Group, we want you to be safe and avoid accidents and injuries.
For all of us at Team CBTG, we take steps to preserve the life, safety, and comfort of our staff who make up the backbone of our 25+ years of success. From the senior attorney to our administrative team as well as the lovely lady who cleans our offices every Saturday, we want to protect the health and welfare of everyone.

COVID-19 has changed the types and frequency of accidents and injuries that are occurring this summer. As we collectively respond to the developing COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak, the well-being of our clients and colleagues remain our paramount concern.
We have found most courts to be vigilant in how they schedule hearings while allowing us to use electronic applications like Zoom. As frightening as we know the pandemic has been for everyone, the stress of the crisis has brought out the innovators among us, who remain focused on our client’s future recoveries.
We are available to our clients and strategic partners 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. An attorney from our office can meet with you to discuss your legal options and details of your case, at no cost. We will also continue to offer virtual appointments for clients who prefer to stay home. We meet virtually and in-person with our clients, which include injury victims, Condo Association Boards, LCAMs, Property Managers, and unit owners dealing with insurers who are slow rolling their coverage. To arrange a free consultation, call Corless Barfield Trial Group at 813-258-4998.
Corless Barfield Trial Group’s goal is for you to have a summer of safety in 2020 and beyond, which is why we want to give you the latest information about trends we’re seeing that have accelerated due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Driving Accidents and Distracted Drivers
Disturbingly, there has been an uptick in reckless driving since the Coronavirus outbreak started. Coronavirus lockdowns led to reductions in traffic but as drivers sped up on quieter roads, collisions became deadlier. People are more stressed and less vigilant drivers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We must maintain the same sense of urgency when it comes to the road as we do with wearing masks and other types of PPE. Together, we can prevent the needless loss of life.
Swimming, Drownings, Water Accidents
Swimming pools along with boating and water sports are beacons of fun for summer adventures, particularly in the era of social distancing. However, it’s easier than ever for adults to become distracted and take their eyes off children playing in the water. The Sunshine State has seen a startling increase in child drownings during the Coronavirus crisis.
School Reopening
In news that shocked the nation, Florida’s Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran signed an executive order mandating that all “brick and mortar” schools must reopen full time for the fall semester. Healthcare professionals were baffled by this edict as the Commissioner’s directive comes as the state experienced a massive surge in Coronavirus cases. While it is true that children are less likely to suffer from severe complications from COVID-19 than older adults, public health experts say they can spread it to older and frailer adults. Additionally, there are reported cases of a sometimes fatal inflammatory syndrome in children that is believed to be linked to the Coronavirus. Lost academic time and lessons can be made up through virtual classes – a life cannot.
#CorlessCares #MaskMission

“Protecting and supporting the needs of first responders and healthcare workers is critical to safeguarding the health of our community during this crisis. The virus is spreading and that is impacting the whole community, and we are part of that community,” Founder and Partner Ted Corless remarks.
Corless Barfield Trial Group is on its continued mission to distribute as many protective personal protection equipment, including N95 masks as possible during the Coronavirus outbreak. If you are in need of masks, email So far, we have donated nearly 7,000 masks through our #CorlessCares #MaskMission campaign.
Due to COVID 19, our law firm is providing in-depth and free consultations via secure phone or video conferencing for your safety and convenience. Our thoughts continue to be with those around the world impacted by COVID-19. We are grateful to all those in the medical and governmental communities who are on the front lines of fighting COVID-19. Do not hesitate to call us with questions at 813-258-4998. We’re here for you and your loved ones.