December 14, 2016

Car insurance claim advice

After being involved in a car accident, the last thing you want to think about is your insurance claim. Unfortunately, it must be done, and it must be done right (unless you don’t want to be reimbursed for your pain!). There are a few things that you should keep in mind in order to be sure that your insurance claim does not go awry. The following car insurance claim advice could save you a lot of money, and a lot of headache.

Be honest

Lying is easy to do, especially if you aren’t familiar with the law and are understandably traumatized from your car accident. In fact, even if you don’t actively, purposefully lie, any inconsistencies in your interviews or the physical evidence may be labelled as lying, either because your insurance company thinks you’re lying or because they have a reason to pay you less money.

Therefore, always be sure to get yourself in a calm state before speaking with your insurance company – do not allow them to pressure you into talking about something that you do not feel comfortable talking about. If you feel uncomfortable with the questions you are being asked, contact a lawyer. While you are not obligated to answer any questions at any time, it is of course necessary for you to provide certain information for your insurance company to pay your claim, and other information is not quite as necessary.

Do not discuss your claim

Again, you are not legally obligated to discuss your claim with anybody. When sharing information that is vital to getting your claim paid, only do so to your lawyer or with your lawyer present. While it may seem reasonable to discuss the details of your accident with insurance adjusters, opposing counsel, and jurors, you do not want to share information that may be perceived as dishonesty, blame, or any number of things.

Therefore, keep the conversation to your attorney and your attorney only. Do not discuss it with your friends, family, or on social media. Car insurance claims are very complicated, and the more ears who have heard your side of the story, the more complicated it is. Your insurance claim is nobody’s business except that of you and your lawyer.

Don’t sign anything

Unless you have already sought the advice of your lawyer, do not sign anything. Even the most seemingly innocent documents can have fine print or clauses which result in dire consequences for your case, such as admitting total fault (and therefore losing your claim). This is likely the most important piece of car insurance claim advice.

Your insurance company is in the business of making money, therefore it should not be surprising if they attempt to sign off any potential settlements. Besides your insurance company, any other party involved in your case could have reason to derail you from receiving the care that you deserve.

Attend all your appointments

While this may seem like a painfully obvious piece of insurance claim advice, or even an unnecessary one, your medical treatment is an essential part of your lawsuit. Even if you do not feel injured after your car accident, it is imperative that you seek treatment immediately after, as some injuries may not produce physical symptoms for weeks after the fact. If you experience a delayed physical response but your injuries were not already confirmed by a doctor, your insurance company will refuse to consider your injuries as part of your claim.

Further, once you have sought medical treatment, be sure to attend all future appointments suggested by your doctor. Not following your doctor’s advice may appear callous, or may be interpreted as a sign that you are not really injured and do not need medical attention. This will also send the message to your insurance company that you do not need to be paid for your medical treatment resulting from your accident.

Stay off social media

Posting information on social media about your accident is not only irresponsible, it could cost you your case. Your insurance company is looking for reasons to deny your claim, so anything you say publicly that could be misconstrued to be about your case could be used against you. This piece of insurance claim advice should not be forgotten.

This includes not only talking directly about your case, but also about any activities you are doing that may involve a physical injury you’ve sustained. For example, posting that you are participating in a 5K immediately after your car accident sends the message that you do not need help from your insurance company. Be cognizant of what you put online, and remember to protect your insurance claim at all costs.

Looking for more car insurance claim advice? Do not hesitate to contact Corless Barfield for a free consultation.