September 26, 2016

What causes water damage?

Water damage insurance claims can be some of the most difficult because of how damaging water can be, even if you don’t see it. Many insurance companies like to take advantage of their insureds, and that is easy to do when the damage caused by water is so difficult to catch until either a professional is involved or the damage has become severe. The best way to handle this situation is to prevent it, so it’s important to understand what causes water damage.


When you own your home, it is your responsibility to maintain it. Fortunately, if you do keep up with its regular maintenance, you can prevent many causes of water damage. One very common source of unwanted water, for example, is residue from the gutters. Make sure that you clean your gutters regularly, removing any leaves, dirt, or other debris; if water can’t flow freely through the gutter, it will usually find its way into your home’s crevices. Keep the downspout pointed away from your home and its foundation, which will prevent flooding and molding in your home’s floors and bearings.

When you’re done with your gutters, take a look at your pipes. Although you probably won’t miss it when a pipe busts open and sprays water everywhere, a leaky pip isn’t quite so dramatic – you may not notice it at all until you find traces of mold. Check your pipes regularly and make sure they’re securely sealed. If you find your pipes are wearing thin, go ahead and replace them before you find yourself stuck with a headache of a problem.

Next, keep all of your appliances in mind. Have them inspected regularly and make sure the accessories are always up to date. Appliances can include your washing machine, hot water heater, air conditioner, dishwasher, and your toilets. If these aren’t maintained, you may find yourself with not only flooding and molding, but also damaged appliances that could have been fixed, but are now just expensive replacements.


With humid and wet environmental conditions comes more issues with water damage in the home. Especially in Florida, where high humidity is just a normal part of our lives, it’s incredibly important that we pay attention to the effect of this water on our homes.

For those of us living directly on the water, near a smaller body of water like a river or a creek, and those of us in flood zones who are hit hard when hurricanes come, remember that flooding is very high on the list of what causes water damage. If flooding occurs and you forgot to put up sandbags around your doors, you can not only say goodbye to your flooring, but also keep an eye out for water eating through places that you wouldn’t think to look. Even if your roof looks unscathed by recent weather, make sure you take the time to inspect it closely; distorted, bubbling, or broken shingles may be a sign that water has caused damage.

If you find that water has affected your home, get the damage repaired ASAP. Water that is left to fester only causes more damage, and increases the risk of health problems in you and our loved ones. This also adds to the stress of filing an insurance claim, which your insurance company may very well take advantage of, possibly postponing the processing of your claim, leaving you stuck with no money and a moldy house, which is a health safety risk.

Secure your water damage claim

The best way to make sure your insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you is to hire an experienced attorney. An attorney can make sure that your claim is processed in a timely manner and that what they offer you is reasonable. Make sure that those who repair your water damage are not cutting corners; if corners are cut and water damage is not completely removed, it will only spread more. Contact Corless Barfield for a free consultation and keep your home safe from what causes water damage.

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